In my last blog I covered the needed SAP TM configuration to integrate SAP TM and SAP EM. In this blog I will cover what needs to be considered when you run the SAP EM integration with SAP TM in a productive environment?
What should be considered?
Locked TM objects
If a business document, such as a freight order, is locked when SAP EM is trying to communicate with it, SAP TM cannot perform the necessary status changes. Instead, SAP TM creates a trigger for each failed action. Schedule Report /SCMTMS/PROCESS_TRIGGER_BGD every 10 minutes to execute the triggers and repeat the actions as needed.
Note: See OSS Note 1747234 for more details on this report.
Performance Considerations
The following are few tips given to help improve the performance of your SAP EM solution.
Application Log: In SAP TM, deactivate the application logs for all application object types and event types that are being used. This deactivation is done in IMG activity: Integration with Other SAP Components > Event Management Interface > Define Application Interface > Define Used Bus. Proc. Types, Appl. Obj. Types, and Evt Types. For each business process type, find the correct application object type or event type and deactivate the application log

Business Process Types: Ensure that BPTs that are not being used do not have their “EH Create” and “EMsg Send” flags set. This deactivation is done in IMG activity: Integration with Other SAP Components > Event Management Interface > Define Application Interface > Define Business Process Types

Application Object Types: Ensure that BPTs that are not being used do not have their “BPT Process Mode” set to “Active”. This deactivation is done in IMG activity: Integration with Other SAP Components > Event Management Interface > Define Application Interface > Define Used Bus. Proc. Types, Appl. Obj. Types, and Evt Types

Use condition functions instead of the condition editor to determine relevance for events
Define a very efficient Rule Set by leveraging:
sequencing of rules (most frequent events processed first followed by the less frequent events)
True and False Rules: to enable the skipping of unnecessary logic
Grouping of events together that need the same actions performed for them
Archive Event Handlers and Event Messages as soon as they are no longer required for SAP EM Web UI reporting.
Note: Typically, the data is sent to SAP BW prior to deactivating the EH and archiving it
Leverage BAdI: PREVENT_EVENT_MSG_SENDING: Manually set Indicator to prevent sending the event to SAP EM.
Leverage BAdI: AVOID_RETRIEVAL_OF_APPL_TABLES: Set indicators to avoid retrieval of unnecessary data. Not all data of the defined application tables that are defined in the standard tables are necessary. Indicators can be set to avoid the retrieval of unnecessary data.
In my next SAP TM / EM blog I'll cover some tips on SAP TM development for SAP EM.