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S/4 HANA SAP Application Link Enabling (ALE), IDocs mapped to EDI

ALE is a standard integration service that enables business processes developed and deployed across several separate SAP or non-SAP systems to be integrated.

Master Data records and Transaction Data are able to be distributed. You would leverage master data distribution to allow for the central control of certain master data attributes. E.g. The material master number and description can be maintained by the corporate master data team and distributed to all downstream systems that could then extended to included their plant specific data.

S/4HANA ALE enabled master data

  1. Change numbers (IDoc: ECMMAS)

  2. Article master record (IDoc: ARTMAS, BO: BUS1001001)

  3. User master record - CUA - Central user administration (IDoc: USERCLONE)

  4. Purchasing info record (PIR) (IDoc: INFREC)

  5. Classification (IDoc: CLFMAS)

  6. Class (IDoc: CLSMAS)

  7. Characteristics (IDoc: CHRMAS)

  8. Conditions (IDoc: COND_A)

  9. Cost center (IDoc: COSMAS)

  10. Cost center group (IDoc: COGRP)

  11. Cost element group (IDoc: COGRP2)

  12. Cost element (IDoc: COELEM)

  13. Customer master record

  14. Activity type (IDoc: COAMAS)

  15. Activity master record

  16. Activity type group (IDoc: COGRP5)

  17. Vendor master record (IDoc: CREMAS)

  18. Material master record (IDoc: MATMAS)

  19. Address Master (IDoc: ADRMAS)

  20. Unit of measure for cost center and cost element combination (Doc: COCOKA )

  21. Source list (IDoc: SRCLST)

  22. Human Resources: HR Master Data, Organizational Data (IDoc: HRMD_A)

  23. Profit center (IDoc: PRCMAS)

  24. G/L account (IDoc: GLMAST)

  25. Bill of material (materials and documents) (IDoc: BOMMAT)

  26. Activity price of cost center and cost element combination (IDoc: COACTV)

  27. Value scale and quota scale

S/4HANA ALE enabled cross-application processes

  1. Bank Distribution - bank data and associated organizational addresses

  2. Central User Administration (CUA) - maintain user master records centrally in one system and CUA distributes changes automatically to the child systems

  3. Integrated Distributed Product Development Management (PDM) Solution - All master data from PDM environment, for example, materials, BOMs, document, change master record, or class, can all be distributed to other systems via ALE standard functions

  4. Document Management System (DMS) - DOCMAS is used to link the document to the object in the DMS. ECMMAS is used to update the change master record in the DMS.

  5. Configuration Data Variant config: Use IDocs CHRMAS (Characteristic), CLFMAS (Classification), CLSMAS (Class) as well as VTAMAS (Variant Table Structure), VTMMAS (Variant Table Contents), VFNMAS( Variant Functions), KNOMAS (Object Dependencies, Constraints), DEPNET (Constraint Nets), CNPMAS (Configuration Profiles), MATAMS (Material Variant)

  6. Work Break-down structures and Internal Order (IDoc: INTERNAL_ORDER)

  7. Cross-System Planning Situation - wish to evaluate the planning for a material on a cross-system basis. The evaluation shows the planning situation based on the data in the stock/requirements lists in the systems involved.

  8. Sales and Operations Planning - covers various activities including the specification of medium term and long term sales volumes and the approximate planning of the production activities that are required to meet these volumes. In the ALE distribution scenario for SOP there is both a central planning system and decentral systems that can also perform planning tasks

  9. SAP Retail Space Management Interface - You can use this ALE Business Process in the following variants: Variant 1: Space Management for Information Only, Variant 2: New Placement for an Article, Variant 3: Moving an Article to a New Location, Variant 4: Manual Shelf Space Maintenance, Variant 5: Discontinuing an Article

  10. Interface Between the WMS and External Systems - connect Automated warehouse systems, Fork lift control systems or carousels, Decentralized warehouse management systems

  11. Separate Sales and Shipping - based on the business process "Stock Transfer between Distributed Systems". The idea of it is that several decentral operating sales units initiate sales orders directly at a central shipping point

  12. Distribution of Contracts - Contracts negotiated by a central purchasing organization are distributed to local purchasing organizations to allow the latter to utilize the more favorable conditions they contain for the procurement of materials or external services. Each local purchasing organization sends information on its own release orders back to the central purchasing organization.

  13. Stock Transfer Between Distributed Systems - SAP Systems can obtain goods from other SAP systems through Purchasing. The latter SAP systems sell the goods to Purchasing.

  14. Decentralized Warehouse Management - describes the SAP Warehouse Management System (WMS) as a decentralized stand-alone system that is operated separately from a centrally operated S/4HANA (Enterprise Resource Planning) system.

  15. Quality Management - Leverages ALE to distribute Master Inspection Characteristics, Inspection Methods, Codes Groups, Codes, and Inspection Setup

  16. Central Accounting, Decentral Logistics - Central financial and cost accounting, decentralized inventory management, purchasing, sales, plant maintenance, production

  17. Decentral Accounting, Central Logistics - E.g. Global sales but decentral financial accounting for each SAP system (1 per country as an example)

  18. Several Accounting Systems - Several SAP Logistics Systems

  19. Information Flow to the Accounting Department - Uses IDocs FIROLL, FIDCCH, FIDCMT

  20. Data Transfer Between Accounting and Logistics - Each logistics application calls the accounting interface with the relevant data. The accounting document is checked there, completed, and then forwarded to the various accounting applications for further processing.

  21. HR Org. Model - IDoc: HRMD_A

  22. Logistics Information Systems - This scenario supports the distribution of actual data between information systems in logistics. Process-related data exchange: This means that each document is sent individually to the interested systems.The complete information relating to the document posting is contained in the data – thus in the central system it is possible to define how this data has to be updated and analyzed. Accumulative data exchange: This means that the information is summarized and is transported with the help of information structures. There is no direct access to individual documents in the receiving system.

EDI PTP Process

EDI mapping to IDocs

  1. Shipment (IDoc: SHPMNT, EDI X12 204, 856)

  2. Transportation Status (IDoc: TRXSTA, EDI X12 214)

  3. Shipping Order (IDoc: SHPORD, EDI X12 940)

  4. Shipping Confirmation (IDoc: SHPCON, EDI X12 945)

  5. Warehouse Order (IDoc: WHSORD, EDI X12 940)

  6. Stock Confirmation (IDoc: WHSCON, EDI X12 945)

  7. Invoice (IDoc: INVOIC, EDI X12 810, 880)

  8. Delivery (IDoc: DESADV EDI X12 856)

  9. Order (IDoc: ORDERS EDI X12 850)

  10. Order Change (IDoc: ORDCHG EDI X12 860)

  11. Order Confirmation (IDoc: ORDRSP, EDI X12 855)

  12. Order Change Confirmation (IDoc: ORDRSP, EDI X12 865)

  13. Quote Request (IDoc: REQOTE, EDI X12 840)

  14. Quote (IDoc: QUOTES, EDI X12 843)

  15. Stock and Sale Data (IDoc: PROACT, EDI X12 852)

  16. Credit or Debit Advice (IDoc: CREADV, DEBADV, EDI X12 812)

  17. Payment Order (IDoc: PAYEXT, EDI X12 820)

  18. Credit Advice Evaluated Receipt Settlement (IDoc: GSVERF, EDI X12 861)

  19. Lock Box (IDoc: LOCKBX, EDI X12 823)

  20. Delivery Schedule - Scheduling Agreements (IDoc: DELINS, DELFOR, EDI X12 830, 862)

  21. Pricing Catalog (IDoc: PRICAT, EDI X12 832)

  22. Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance (IDoc: BENREP, EDI X12 834)

  23. Text Message (IDoc: TXTRAW, EDI X12 864)

  24. Application Advice (IDoc: TXTRAW, EDI X12 812)

  25. IDoc Status Update (IDoc: STATUS, EDI X12 997)



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