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Scoping out a SAP Business Workflow Requirement

What questions should be asked when defining a workflow relevant business process?

The above diagram describes the input that is required when defining a workflow relevant business process. Listed below are questions that need to be asked and answered for each step / task of the process.

Briefly the areas that we concentrate on are as follows:

  • Feeding Tasks / Events – This relates to the process that leads to the initiation of the task at hand. Is it called by a business event or does it follow another task?

  • Following Tasks / Events – This refers to the departure points on conclusion of the task at hand. Several tasks can be created in parallel or a single task can be created. All need to be described. Business events may also be triggered from a task which, in turn, spawns other business processes.

  • Supporting Data – This refers to all information that the person performing the task requires in order to perform the task successfully

  • Resultant Data – This refers to all information that is created on the execution of the task that is relevant for future use in the process

  • Task Detail – What functionality does the task itself have to provide the agent of the workflow?

Feeding Tasks / Events

  • What precedes the initiation of this task? Event or Task or both? How are these events raised?

  • Does the task have to wait for several tasks / events to complete? What are these tasks and what are their timings?

Following Tasks / Events

  • What tasks or events (or both) follow the completion of this task?

  • Do these follow on tasks need to occur in parallel or series?

  • Does any notification of the action taken to complete the task need to be made and to whom? This is treated as a follow on event.

  • Do we need to wait for something (another event, terminating event) before the following tasks are called

Supporting Data

  • What data is required to be available, on hand, in order to complete the task successfully? This includes electronic and other media.

  • What specific business objects are needed during the task lifecycle?

Resulting Data

  • What data is created by the task at hand that is relevant to the future process?

  • Do we need to let the workflow know about any new data objects following this task?

Task details

  • Can the task be rejected? If so please explain in detail the follow on process

  • Does the task wait for a terminating event? If so what are these events?

  • Where will the task be executed? ECC, CRM, UWL, Portal, Email, …

  • Do you need a notification that you have a workflow item other than in the SAP Business Workplace?


  • Who should perform this task? Role, user, manager, position, systemIs there logic that needs to be applied to determine the task agent?

  • Are their authorization requirements around who can execute this task?


  • What actions does the person need to perform in order complete the task? Functionality, transactions , …

  • Do the results of these actions need to be recorded for later access?

  • Are there secondary functions that need to be performed prior to, or after the actual execution of the task?


  • What is the latest that this task can start and finish (with reference to preceding tasks or workflow start)? Treat exceptions to these SLAs as follow on tasks

  • What is the earliest that this task can start and finish (with reference to preceding tasks or workflow start)? Treat exceptions to these SLAs as follow on tasks


  • Consider performance implications

  • Consider data integrity issues

  • Understand the functionality of the workflow inbox

  • Know standard workflow reporting options

  • What are the reporting requirements around workflow


  • Ensure that Basis have the monitoring capability for the workflow system

  • Ensure that a workflow administrator is enabled to help correct errant workflows

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