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Tips and Tricks

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Useful Transactions

  • SO21 is used to specify the default download file location

  • SU53 is used to display the latest failures in to authorization objects

  • SU3 is used to set the current user's defaults (time, date format, timezone, decimal notation) - In addition this is where the user sets their Parameter values

  • SBWP - SAP Business Workplace - SAP mail and workflow

  • AL11 - Display SAP directories

  • RZ12 - RFC Server Group maintenance

  • SALE - ALE customizing

  • SARA - Archiving

  • SCC1 - Client copy - Customizing, SE10 - Customizing Organizer (Transports)

  • STMS - Transport Management System

  • SE16 - Table data browser

  • SM37 - Job Overview

  • SMGW - Gateway Monitor

  • SMQ1 - Outbound qRFC, SMQ2 - Inbound qRFC

  • ST05 - SQL Trace

  • ST22 - ABAP Dumps, SM21 - System Log

  • SM50 - Instance processes, SM66 - Cross system process view

  • SU01 - Maintain users

Parameter Values

Use SU3 to set your default parameter values. To see if there is a parameter that can be defaulted in a transaction simply click on the field and press F1 -> Technical Information -> Parameter ID (E.g. In VA01 for field Sales Org the Parameter is VKO)

  • /SAPTRX/EE_MON_SEL - Display monitor fields

  • /SAPTRX/NOPERFPOPUP - Disable performance warning

  • SD_SWU_ACTIVE - Activate Workflow Box (VA02, VA03)


  • To select text on on an SAP screen use Ctrl&Y - Use Ctrl&C (copy) and Ctrl&V (paste) to copy and paste

  • ctrl&? to go to the tcode dialog box

  • /i deletes the current session

  • /n<tcode> Launch <tcode> in current session

  • /o<tcode> Launch <tcode> in new session

  • /nex closes all your sessions for the specific application server that you are logged in to

  • /nend cancels all SAP sessions and logs off

  • ALT&F -> W (download) and ALT&F -> U(upload) in SAP Easy Access Screen to download and upload the user favorites within/across systems

  • Ctrl&+ to open new SAP session, Ctrl&N Creates a new session

  • Ctrl&P Print

  • Ctrl&S Save

  • Ctrl&F Find

  • Ctrl&F11 SAP Menu, Ctrl&F10 User Menu

  • In most transactions: F8 - Execute, F4 - Display dropdown menu

  • F12 Cancel

  • F3 Back

OSS Notes

  1. Note 757964 - Additional information in the SAP GUI window title a must, if you have several systems open at the same time in order to show the client for each system - To fix this issue you need to go to the regedit in your windows system -> Navigate to: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\Administration] -> Add the value as DWORD “ShowAdditionalTitleInfo” entry with the value 1

  2. Note 205487 - Own text on SAPGui logon screen -> Go to Transaction SE61 and select the document class 'General Text' (selection using F4 help), and create a text with the name ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO in the system language determined with the profile parameter zcsa/system_language.

Fun Stuff

  1. To change transport job class to "A": Run report RDDNEWPP from transaction SE38 in the client 000.

  2. Multiple logons on to SAP are stored in table: USR41_MLD

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