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TIP: Parallel Processing Background Jobs

Writer: ERPGenieERPGenie

SAP reports that would otherwise run for a LONG time can implement parallel processing to help alleviate the issue. Parallel processing groups up chunks of work that is then executed by the available dialog work processes in SAP. It then also has the ability to collect the results and process accordingly. I used this technique to greatly speed up a time-sensitive revenue recognition process for a client of mine and it worked like a charm...

Parallel processing is implemented in ABAP as a special variant of asynchonous RFC, not in the background processing system itself.

Note: It’s critical to use the correct variant for your parallel processing applications, namely CALL FUNCTION STARTING NEW TASK DESTINATION IN GROUP. Using any other variants of the asynchronous RFC circumvents the built-in safeguards and can lead to serious performance issues.

How do you implement your own parallel processing report?

  1. Function Module: SPBT_INITIALIZE (Optional) - Used to determine the availability of resources (available work processes) for parallel processing. It can also be used to validate the parallel processing group that was specified (and set up using transaction RZ12)

  2. Decide on how many processes to use in parallel - Distribute your data evenly across the number of parallel threads you will use (ensuring not to use all the work processes). Loop through your data and create packets of data to pass to the Function Module in the manner described below. Note: your RFC calls are processed in work processes of type DIALOG. The DIALOG limit on processing of one dialog step (by default 300 seconds, system profile parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time) applies to these RFC calls. Keep this limit in mind when you divide up data for parallel processing calls. Note: only perform parallel processing if your data can be logically separated. i.e. data in one thread is not dependent on another thread's processing. Note: There is no guarantee that the threads will be executed in a particular order.

  3. Use ABAP pattern to call your Function Module (marked as externally callable) in parallel: CALL FUNCTION <your function> STARTING NEW TASK <your taskname> DESTINATION IN GROUP - The ABAP keyword implements parallel processing by dispatching asynchronous RFC calls to the servers that are available in the RFC server group specified for the processing. Note: This Function Module can not contain SUBMIT or CALL TRANSACTION calls within the code.

  4. Use ABAP keyword WAIT: This is needed if you wish to wait for all the asynchronous parallel tasks created with CALL FUNCTION to return their data. This is normally a requirement for orderly background processing. May be used only if the CALL FUNCTION includes the PERFORMING ON RETURN addition.

  5. ABAP keyword RECEIVE: This is needed if you wish to receive the results from each of the parallel RFCs. RECEIVE retrieves IMPORT and TABLE parameters as well as messages and return codes.

The following functions are useful to enhance operational support for the solution - Making it production ready...

  • Call Function Module SPBT_GET_PP_DESTINATION (Optional) - Call immediately after the CALL FUNCTION keyword, in STEP 3 above, to get the name of the server on which the parallel processing task will be run.

  • Call Function Module SPBT_DO_NOT_USE_SERVER (Optional) - Excludes a particular server from further use for processing parallel processing tasks. Note: This is better used in conjunction with function module SPBT_GET_PP_DESTINATION if it returns a failure (e.g. a server is not available for parallel processing due to a COMMUNICATION FAILURE).

Here is a sample report from SAP to describe the process in detail

REPORT PARAJOB. * Data declarations DATA: GROUP LIKE RZLLITAB-CLASSNAME VALUE ' ', "Parallel processing group. "SPACE = group default (all servers) WP_AVAILABLE TYPE I, "Number of dialog work processes available for parallel processing (free work processes) WP_TOTAL TYPE I, "Total number of dialog work processes in the group MSG(80) VALUE SPACE, "Container for error message in case of remote RFC exception. INFO LIKE RFCSI, C, "Message text JOBS TYPE I VALUE 10, "Number of parallel jobs SND_JOBS TYPE I VALUE 1, "Work packets sent for processing RCV_JOBS TYPE I VALUE 1, "Work packet replies received EXCP_FLAG(1) TYPE C, "Number of RESOURCE_FAILUREs TASKNAME(4) TYPE N VALUE '0001', "Task name (name of parallel processing work unit)

BEGIN OF TASKLIST OCCURS 10, "Task administration TASKNAME(4) TYPE C, RFCDEST LIKE RFCSI-RFCDEST, RFCHOST LIKE RFCSI-RFCHOST, END OF TASKLIST. * Optional call to SBPT_INITIALIZE to check the group in which parallel processing is to take place. Could be used to optimize sizing of work packets work / WP_AVAILABLE). CALL FUNCTION 'SPBT_INITIALIZE' EXPORTING GROUP_NAME = GROUP "Name of group to check IMPORTING MAX_PBT_WPS = WP_TOTAL "Total number of dialog work processes available in group for parallel processing FREE_PBT_WPS = WP_AVAILABLE "Number of work processes available in group for parallel processing at this moment EXCEPTIONS INVALID_GROUP_NAME = 1 "Incorrect group name; RFC group not defined. See transaction RZ12 INTERNAL_ERROR = 2 "SAP system error; see the system log (transaction SM21) for diagnostic info PBT_ENV_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 3 "Function module may be called only once; is called automatically by the SAP system if you do not call before starting parallel processing CURRENTLY_NO_RESOURCES_AVAIL = 4 "No dialog work processes in the group are available; they are busy or server load is too high NO_PBT_RESOURCES_FOUND = 5 "No servers in the group met the criteria of > two work processes defined. CANT_INIT_DIFFERENT_PBT_GROUPS = 6 "You have already initialized one group and have now tried initialize a different group. OTHERS = 7..

CASE SY-SUBRC. WHEN 0. "Everything’s ok. Optionally set up for optimizing size of work packets. WHEN 1. "Non-existent group name. Stop report. MESSAGE E836. "Group not defined. WHEN 2. "System error. Stop and check system log for error analysis. WHEN 3. "Programming error. Stop and correct program. MESSAGE E833. "PBT environment was already initialized. WHEN 4. "No resources: this may be a temporary problem. You may wish to pause briefly and repeat the call. Otherwise check your RFC group administration: Group defined in accordance with your requirements? MESSAGE E837. "All servers currently busy. WHEN 5. "Check your servers, network, operation modes. WHEN 6. * Do parallel processing. Use CALL FUNCTION STARTING NEW TASK * DESTINATION IN GROUP to call the function module that does the * work. Make a call for each record that is to be processed, or * divide the records into work packets. In each case, provide the * set of records as an internal table in the CALL FUNCTION * keyword (EXPORT, TABLES arguments). DO. CALL FUNCTION 'RFC_SYSTEM_INFO' "Function module to perform in parallel STARTING NEW TASK TASKNAME "Name for identifying this RFC call DESTINATION IN GROUP group "Name of group of servers to use for parallel processing. Enter group name exactly as it appears in transaction RZ12 (all caps). You may use only one group name in a particular ABAP program. PERFORMING RETURN_INFO ON END OF TASK "This form is called when the RFC call completes. It can collect IMPORT and TABLES parameters from the called function with RECEIVE. EXCEPTIONS COMMUNICATION_FAILURE = 1 MESSAGE msg "Destination server not reached or communication interrupted. MESSAGE msg captures any message returned with this exception (E or A messages from the called FM, for example. After exception 1 or 2, instead of aborting your program, you could use SPBT_GET_PP_DESTINATION and SPBT_DO_NOT_USE_SERVER to exclude this server from further parallel processing. You could then re-try this call using a different server. SYSTEM_FAILURE = 2 MESSAGE msg "Program or other internal SAP error. MESSAGE msg captures any message returned with this exception. RESOURCE_FAILURE = 3. "No work processes are currently available. Your program MUST handle this exception. YOUR_EXCEPTIONS = X. "Add exceptions generated by the called function module here. Exceptions are returned to you and you can respond to them here. CASE SY-SUBRC. WHEN 0. "Administration of asynchronous RFC tasks Save name of task... TASKLIST-TASKNAME = TASKNAME. "... and get server that is performing RFC call. CALL FUNCTION 'SPBT_GET_PP_DESTINATION' EXPORTING RFCDEST = TASKLIST-RFCDEST EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.


"Mechanism for determining when to leave the loop. Here, a simple counter of the number of parallel processing tasks. In production use, you would end the loop when you have finished dispatching the data that is to be processed.

JOBS = JOBS - 1. "Number of existing jobs IF JOBS = 0. EXIT. "Job processing finished ENDIF. WHEN 1 OR 2. "Handle communication and system failure. Your program must catch these exceptions and arrange for a recoverable termination of the background processing job. Recommendation: Log the data that has been processed when an RFC task is started and when it returns, so that the job can be restarted with unprocessed data. WRITE msg. "Remove server from further consideration for parallel processing tasks in this program. Get name of server just called... CALL FUNCTION 'SPBT_GET_PP_DESTINATION' EXPORTING RFCDEST = TASKLIST-RFCDEST EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. "Then remove from list of available servers. CALL FUNCTION 'SPBT_DO_NOT_USE_SERVER' IMPORTING SERVERNAME = TASKLIST-RFCDEST EXCEPTIONS INVALID_SERVER_NAME = 1 NO_MORE_RESOURCES_LEFT = 2 "No servers left in group. PBT_ENV_NOT_INITIALIZED_YET = 3 OTHERS = 4.

WHEN 3. "No resources (dialog work processes) available at present. You need to handle this exception, waiting and repeating the CALL FUNCTION until processing can continue or it is apparent that there is a problem that prevents continuation. MESSAGE I837. "All servers currently busy. Wait for replies to asynchronous RFC calls. Each reply should make a dialog work process available again. IF EXCP_FLAG = SPACE. EXCP_FLAG = 'X'. "First attempt at RESOURCE_FAILURE handling. Wait until all RFC calls have returned or up to 1 second. Then repeat CALL FUNCTION. WAIT UNTIL RCV_JOBS >= SND_JOBS UP TO '1' SECONDS. ELSE. "Second attempt at RESOURCE_FAILURE handling WAIT UNTIL RCV_JOBS >= SND_JOBS UP TO '5' SECONDS. "SY-SUBRC 0 from WAIT shows that replies have returned. "The resource problem was therefore probably temporary "and due to the workload. A non-zero RC suggests that "no RFC calls have been completed, and there may be "problems. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. CLEAR EXCP_FLAG. ELSE. "No replies "Endless loop handling ... ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDDO. ... * * Wait for end of job: replies from all RFC tasks. * Receive remaining asynchronous replies WAIT UNTIL RCV_JOBS >= SND_JOBS. LOOP AT TASKLIST. WRITE:/ 'Received task:', TASKLIST-TASKNAME COLOR 1, 30 'Destination: ', TASKLIST-RFCDEST COLOR 1. ENDLOOP. ... * * This routine is triggered when an RFC call completes and * returns. The routine uses RECEIVE to collect IMPORT and TABLE * data from the RFC function module. * * Note that the WRITE keyword is not supported in asynchronous * RFC. If you need to generate a list, then your RFC function * module should return the list data in an internal table. You * can then collect this data and output the list at the conclusion * of processing. * FORM RETURN_INFO USING TASKNAME.




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